Monday, April 30, 2007

Cause for alarm

I had a dream last night, but I can't remember it, except that it somehow involved the sound of my alarm going off for about 20 minutes.


I need to get to bed earlier.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Too, too many blogs.

And yet, I need just one more.

Because I keep having these dreams and, while I could post them on my regular blog, I've decided that I don't want to turn that blog into a dream blog. Thus, necessarily, I need a dream blog in which to record said dreams of mine.

For instance...

A few nights ago I dreamt that I was in a classroom for my first day of graduate studies in library science. I was nervous, but excited, and I sat at my desk watching the professor (a venerable 50-or-60 something) write down notations on the large whiteboards at the front of the class.

Finally, the students' chatter died down; it was time to start. While writing, facing the whiteboard, the professor suddenly asked, "So, what is the 'science' part of library science? Beth?"

I froze and my heart stopped.

Holy--I didn't know what the 'science' part of library science was! How do you define that? I mean, is it in cataloguing? Is it in research? Where exactly does science come into library science?

I stammered out a stupid answer and kind of sort of confessed halfway through that I had no idea what I was supposed to say. I sensed tension in the classroom and the professor sighed kind of disappointed-like and another student piped up with the correct answer. Which I didn't hear. Because I was too busy sitting at the desk whispering, "Stupid, stupid!" to myself.

The dream went on from there, but that was the important part.


This was definitely an anxiety dream. Definitely. It's like those dreams you have where you're about ready to graduate and you realize that you've completely forgotten about a class you needed to graduate except that it's the last day of class and you are SO too late.

This actually makes me kind of sad because it's the first anxiety dream I've had about grad school, and strangely enough, I've felt more nervous (or at least more conscious of my nervousness) than I did before the dream.

Ah. If only anxiety would actually make me do things to prepare. Alas. Procrastination always wins out.