Wednesday, August 15, 2007

So, sometimes I dream in Martian...

Finally! Another dream I can blog about! (I keep forgetting my dreams / not thinking my dreams are interesting enough to write down.)

This morning I dreamed they discovered life on Mars ('they' being the scientists in charge of the upcoming expeditions to Mars, I guess). And I proved to myself that I really do dream in color. Because I could see this little playpen-like enclosure made of black tarp that curved on stakes around the area where they had found life. And I could see the red dust of the Martian landscape underneath it. And it was red! It was! Well. You know. Kind of rusty-red, the way Martian landscapes should be.

So... I don't actually remember much else about the dream, except that the life they discovered was microbial in nature and that everybody was having this huge discussion about how now they wondered whether life first originated on Mars and was then blown off in a comet impact or something and thusly traveled to Earth.

It was a very scientific dream.


Um... I saw something on TV the other night about a mission to Mars? And I thought it was interesting?

Oh! Oh! I got it! I just got a job and I'm feeling hopeful about things I haven't felt hopeful about in some time. (Like actually having money for food.) Thus, life appearing in a place previously thought to be barren.

Ha! I'm so good at this.

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